MISS U – Best rock on ReverbNation in a long time
MISS U is a danish band from Copenhagen. They are strongly influenced of the early 80’s Indie/New Wave & Punk, which is obvious, when you listen to thir compositions.
Die Echopedal – Slow Down Autoschwein
Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino is now open sourced!

Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino is now open sourced!
Here is a list of the core functionalities:
IntelliSense and syntax highlighting for Arduino sketches
Verify and upload your sketches in Visual Studio Code
Built-in board and library manager
Built-in example list
Built-in serial monitor
Snippets for sketches
Automatic Arduino project scaffolding
Command Palette (F1) integration of frequently used commands (e.g. Verify, Upload…)
Integrated Arduino Debugging New
Yodelice – Insanity
Fem utraditionelle råd til nybegynder programmører
Python, F# eller Java? Og hvad skal jeg kaste mig over efter ‘Hello World’? For nybegyndere i programmering er der et par råd, som ikke står i lærebøgerne.
Fem utraditionelle råd til nybegynderprogrammører
Front Line Assembly – Lifeline
To loose the trick – President
10 Audio Mastering Tips From The Pros
Three things they could be named ..